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What are the common problems in newborns?

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1. Why does the weight of the newborn fall?
Mainly because the baby eats less after birth, discharges more water and more stool, there will be a physiological weight loss. Generally, the birth weight is reduced by 3% to 7%, and the birth weight is restored more than 7d~10d. When the weight loss is >10% or there is no rebound after 3d~5d after birth, the cause should be found and corrected.
2. Why does the newborn's skin turn yellow?
Neonatal jaundice, also known as neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, is a clinical phenomenon in which neonatal bilirubin metabolism is abnormal, causing elevated blood bilirubin and yellowing of skin, sclera and mucous membranes. One.
Neonatal jaundice is divided into physiological jaundice and pathological jaundice: physiological jaundice usually occurs 2 or 3 days after birth, reaching a peak in a week or so, and basically subsides in about two weeks. However, if the jaundice appears early and progresses rapidly, reaching the level of severe jaundice (the jaundice extends to the limbs and palm), or the regression is obviously slow, you need to be alert to the possibility of pathological jaundice.
3. Why do newborns have horse teeth?
Some babies are on either side of the upper midline or on the edge of the gums. You can see yellow-white grain-sized particles called horse teeth. This is a normal physiological phenomenon that can resolve itself over weeks or months without special treatment.
4. Why do female babies have fake menstruation?
Female baby born 5-7 days will have bloody secretions in the vagina, the amount is not much, the baby has no other uncomfortable reaction, this is a normal physiological phenomenon of the newborn female baby, called "false menstruation." This is because the baby has a higher level of estrogen and progesterone in the mother's stomach. After the baby is born, the estrogen and progesterone drops, causing withdrawal bleeding. This "false menstruation" has a small amount of bleeding, usually after 2 to 4 days. Disappeared on its own. If your baby has more vaginal bleeding and lasts longer, you should consult a doctor promptly.
5. Why can't the newborn's fingers not open?
Neonatal brain development is not very mature, the hand muscle activity is poorly adjusted, causing the flexor contraction of the baby's flexion finger to predominate, while the extensor muscle of the extension finger is relatively weak, showing the phenomenon that the finger can not open, probably in the baby 6 This situation will basically disappear in the month.
6. Why can't I take pictures of newborns with a flash?
After the newborn is born, taking photos with the flash to the baby is very harmful to the child. The baby just comes out of the dark environment (in the mother's stomach), is very sensitive to light stimulation, and the stimulation of glare is not perfect, so often Exposure to some intense light stimulation may damage the retinal nerves. Therefore, it is recommended not to use the flash to take pictures of the baby, and do not give the baby too strong light in the bedroom.
7. Why is breast milk the most ideal nutrient for newborns?
Because breast milk has all kinds of nutrients necessary for baby's growth and development, it is rich and easy to digest and absorb, and the temperature is suitable; the protein, fat and lactose in breast milk are most suitable for neonatal digestion and absorption; breast milk can improve baby's immunity and enhance physical fitness. Breastfeeding is conducive to enhancing maternal and child feelings, promoting the growth and development of the baby, and is conducive to the recovery of the novice mother's body. No milk powder on the market can be replaced.