
Excision of skin tumors: such as sebaceous gland cysts, epidermal papillomas, senile warts, senile pigmented spots, moles, etc. Excision of subcutaneous tumors: such as subcutaneous lipomas, fibromas, hemangiomas, epidermoid cysts, etc. Common inflammatory diseases: incision and drainage of superficial abscesses, nail avulsion for chronic paronychia or subungual abscess, debridement and repair of chronic superficial ulcers, debridement and curettage repair of chronic superficial sinuses, etc. Anorectal and external genitalia: circumcision for phimosis, various urinary retention catheterizations, etc. Traumatic diseases: puncture and drainage of scalp hematomas with pressure bandaging, incision and drainage of scalp hematomas, debridement and suturing of skin or soft tissue lacerations, incision and drainage of subcutaneous hematomas in limbs or trunk with pressure bandaging.